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Silurus Glanis - Silure Glane (La pêche du silure)
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Silure MAX
Silurus Glanis Association
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max Premier silure pris par Tony (1m20).
gary.the.guide lower ebro albino record 126lbs caught in september this year 2006 his 40th birthday
joffrey.lubin pêché avec jf en seine
joffrey.lubin silure de Benoit 176 cm en seine (78)
joffrey.lubin le silure de 180cm de Benoit pêché en seine
joffrey.lubin silure de ramide belle prise
joffrey.lubin silure de franck il fait 170 cm en seine
joffrey.lubin silure de ramide pecher en seine il fait 160 cm
joffrey.lubin silure de ramide 150 cm en seine
lio Pour une fois que j'étais au sandre!
ice Souvenir de pêche !!!
norbert.da.nose Silure pêché en octobre (de berge).
robert56 Pris début septembre 2006.
cake De bon matin, sous le brouillard a peine le vif posé, un combat rude s'est engagé, résultat c'est mon nouveau record perso.
cake Juste 2.00 m pour le coup du soir.
cake Déjà plus sérieux.
cake Deuxiéme de la série.
cake Premier de la serie pour l'échauffement.
nico.pas carpe et silure.
loupenz On la sauve à la derniere minute...
Court mais caustaud le bestiau !
joss83 Le premier silure du petit Nicolas aidé par son grand frère
cake Pris à la cuiller ondulante de JCT dans 2m d'eau.
cake Tarn en crue = bonne peche
10 silures pris (6 sur la photo).
Le plus petit: 1m25; le plus gros 1m78
marc.brune Une journée de peche en Seine avec 5 touches et 4 poissons dont voici le plus gros.
flo81 Sortie avec le pote FX ce matin, 1.74m et 1.93m, çà fait toujours plaisir !
flo81 Sortie avec le pote FX ce matin, 1.74m et 1.93m, çà fait toujours plaisir !
joss83 Grand moment de joie, la remise à l'eau de mon record...
joss83 Mon premier 1m90. Ferré pendant les heures légales.
david.bodard enfin un peu de satisfaction ! apres avoir perdu 5 ou 6 leurres
peter.merkel Saone
peter.merkel Saone 2006
st.sulpice.81 Avec "le marseillais", 4 poissons dont ce 1.94m.
cake Les yeux plus gros le ventre!
Le silure fait 83 cm, il a attaqué ce carrassin d'environ 500 g.
cake Silure pris a la cuillére ondulante Mepps S dans 1.5m d'eau a 14 H.
danny.rawlins 188Lbs Catfish caught using a Catfish Magnet, the electronic Catfish Attractor. See more information at http://www.catfishmagnet.co.uk.
danny.rawlins Wels catfish of 188lbs caught Oct 2006 using a Catfish Magnet.
danny.rawlins Wels Catfish of 154lbs caught using a catfish magnet.
danny.rawlins Wels Catfish of 164lbs caught using a catfish magnet.

Mr Justin Butler aged 39, a builder from Worthing in Sussex caught a 188Lb Wels Catfish from the River Ebro in Spain on the 2nd October 2006. He was on holiday with his friends Don Macleod, Danny Rawlins and Steve Rawlins who are all keen fisherman. He put them all to shame when Justin hooked into the monster fish, which took over 45 minutes to land. He has never fished before in his life but managed to intimidate his fellow Anglers, when he landed this Catfish which was only 30 lbs short of the World record. He decided to go on holiday with his friends to be the ‘Chef’ in their self catering accommodation, but converted himself into a true fisherman after he hooked into this ‘fish of a lifetime’. He claimed his success on the use of a new technological device called a catfishmagnet which they were testing on their trip. The device is dangled into the water to attract predatory fish by giving off sound waves which imitate the electronic fields given off by a struggling fish. ‘We fished for 2 days with no fish, turned on the magnet and had 4 fish within the space of 8 Hours, the last fish that night being the whopper of 188Lbs’ said Danny Rawlins from Worthing in Sussex.
The locals were amazed at the size of the fish from the area they were fishing and also due to the poor fishing conditions at the time of his catch. His friend, Don Macleod vowed to never invite Justin on his fishing holidays again ‘I’ve been fishing for Catfish for Six years now, and have only dreamed of catching a fish of this size, and I end up watching the Chef catch it!’. Mr Butler played the catfish for only 45 minutes, but said the pain in his arms and back lasted over 4 days. He claimed his success to the electronic catfish magnet which he had put into the River that morning. The Catfish was caught on an artificial Halibut pellet using a runnung lead rig on 85lb braid hooklink. More pictures and information on his catch can be seen at http://www.catfishmagnet.co.uk.
joss83 Mon premier 1m50
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